We see few Thais introduced in shows! Although the race is recognized, it is appreciated little among most of judges. Their votes go to Siamese said "modern".
There is no cat federation in Belgium, thus no standard says "Belgian" for our cats, they are judged according to the source of the judge. The Belgian and French judges go with the criteria of the standart "LOOF" (France). The german judges or different expression, will have the criteria of the "WCF", (World Cat Federation). It is thus easy to include/understand, which pleased with the one is not especially appreciated by the other!

With the absence of cat federation in Belgium, and thus any coherence between the many ones and various Belgian clubs, these clubs can have a divergent policy the ones compared to the others.
I stated you higher the steps to be followed when we in cat show in order to will obtain titles of qualification. Thus as many titles in Begium, but also abroad for the international titles. What I find completely normal. Eh well, appear that certain Belgian clubs authorize their members with only attending all the cat shows in Belgium, and consequently, international titles starting from a certain quota of titles deliver. In this manner, we can find cats champion of Europe, or even champion of the World, and not having never left the Belgian territory!!!!! I find completely that stupid and ridiculus. Definitely, nowadays, the " term; international" wants nothing any more to say!!!
For my part, I am proud to show my cats abroad, like this, one is confronted with other judges and other cats. What adds a little pepper to the competition. Those which remain in Belgium, are eternally confronted with the same cats and judged by the same people. With the limit, they do not look at any more the cat that they judge, since they known it of the front time!!!