My principles are based on my experiment and my know-how. I take base on my goals, but also on the good being of my cats
My order is : Love and Respect

Ch 1 : Breeding of the kitten
All the kittens will be high within the family framework. They will have free course and will remain, before being transferred, in company of their brothers and sisters as well as the mom, in a place suitable with the good developing training.
The kitten will be socialised in the rules of the art.
In order to guarantee a great affectivity in its future life, each litter’s kitten will be cuddled and will be able to benefit from special and constant attention.
With our dog’s presence within the family, the kitten will be put in their presence, so that they can be acclimatized more easily in their future life.
A veterinary follow-up will have to be adopted whenever there is the doubt relating to the health of one of the kittens.
The kitten will receive a complete vaccination. It could consequently be accommodated in its new family entirely secured. The new " Master " of the kitten will be invited to carry out the annual recall on the cat’s birthday date, and this each year of the cat’s life.
The kitten is periodicaly dewormed. A diagram of deworming will be set up. The future owner will be invited to hold a planning for deworming. He will be advised that a catch of deworming proceeded by a few days vaccination.
The kittens are yielded to the thirteen weeks age minimum. In the event of sale in a country other than Belgium, the anti-rabic vaccine will be considered. According to the European legislation, an additional 21 days period will be respected.
No transfer if a kitten is not considered ready to only manage by itself in its new family (physically, psychologically and little socialized).
Ch 2 : To make arrangement for a stud Cat
According to the standards, the only authorized union is : THAI X THAI.
Before " marriage ", the stud cat as well as the female will be tested. A photocopy of the tests’ results will be given to each of the owners of each cat.
Consanguinity is prohibited. However a maximum tolerance of 10% is accepted, this only in the special cases such as work of forms, work of colours, …
The analysis of the pedigrees (male and female) will demand a detailed attention. The potential to obtain the future kittens’ colours will be well-known before the union.
Ch 3 : Administration and planning
A planning, vaccination, and deworming, will be held for each cat present at the owner’s residence (kittens and adult cats). The notebook of care (European passport) will be filled with the greatest attention.
A pedigree for each kitten is requested from my cat club before the animal’s transfer. It will thus be placed at the disposal of the new purchaser at the time of the kitten’s departure.
Being given that only the “Thai X Thai” marriage is authorized, all the kittens of all the litters will receive a pedigree as a Thai.
Including for any kitten who is not answering the established breed’s standard. In this precise case, mention "NOT FOR BREEDING" will be affixed on the pedigree and the kittens will be yielded only for company.
A contract of transfer for each kitten will be drawn up in double specimens and signed by the two parties. This contract will take again the coordinates of each parties, the characteristics of the kitten, as well as the various legal periods of guarantee on the kitten. The breeder will use the Belgian official contract published by the Belgian authorities of the Ministry of Agriculture. Herewith: in PDF file and WORD file.
Although the Belgian law does not impose it yet, all my kittens are identified by microchip. A form attesting the electronic identification is joined to its European passport.
At the time of the kitten’s transfer, a little food is given for this one to the new owner, in order to guarantee its well being of at least two days.
So to ensure continuity and to better inform the future owner, explanatory notes specific to the kitten is given at the time of its departure.
Councils of breeding is given.
Ch 4 : Medical State and recommendations
Quality food (known as top-of-the-range) will be the only choice for all the kittens and cats present at the residence.
The reproducers are tested (Fiv and FeLV).
I respect eighteen months as the minimum age before a female has for the first time their kittens.
I respect a time sufficient for a female, between two litters. This time is a minimum of one year.
I respect six years the maximum age for a female to have her last kittens.
The number of litters per female, in its life, should not exceed four times. However a tolerance of a fifth litter is authorized in the only condition that the four preceding litters occurred without any problem for the she-cat and its offspring. In the event of particular problems of health, breast feeding, pregnancy, delivery ...... the reproductive life of the she-cat will be stopped.
In the event of need for a Caesarean, a maximum number of two Caesareans are authorized. Thereafter, the she-cat will be sterilized.
The male will have a reproductive activity until it is seven years old (maximum). It is advised that the reproductive male "is used" only four times per year.
Retirement of the reproducers (male and female), by surgical operation.
I keep at our home and within our family, human and feline, all my cats " retired ". It is NOT question of separating from the cats which gave us so much love and affection. Our ex-reproductive cats live happy days among their same children, small children, ..... and us.
No cat will be able to leave freely.
I ensure a good placement for each kitten.
I ensure the follow-up of the kitten in its new family.
Ch 5 : Prohibitions
It is strictly my prohibition and cannot be question to raise the kittens in a cage or in a restricted place.
It is strictly my prohibition and cannot be question to keep the adult cats in reduced and exiguous places.
It is strictly my prohibition and cannot be question to sell the kittens to a pet shop.
It is strictly my prohibition and cannot be question to buy a kitten in order to resell it.
It is strictly my prohibition and cannot be question to acquire a kitten by the intermediary of a third party in order to dissimulate with the yielding cattery the true goal of the purchase.
Ch 6 : references
My reference is the Belgian Monitor: Herewith in PDF file